
哈喽,我是毛小毛。关注我,每日带你了解最新数码资讯!「一分钟资讯」第434篇,感谢你的阅读。Barack Obama: 'the change we need is coming' In speech in front of 75,000, he asked Democrats to elect him to 'restore America's promise' New:UK's most deadly gun maker given life Submachine guns made in Grant Wilkinson's garden shed factory connected to eight murders Retail slump surpasses 1990s recession Conditions on the high street are worse than Britain's last slowdown as stores report dismal trading and job cuts Pendragon profits tumble as new car sale slump Used car prices fell to a five-year low and new vehicle registrations nosedived as customers deferred large purchases Diageo fears drinkers' spirits will dampen The world's largest alcoholic drinks group says world slowdown and rising costs will hit growth next year. #头条创作挑战赛#哈喽,我是毛小毛。




Barack Obama: 'the change we need is coming'
In speech in front of 75,000, he asked Democrats to elect him to 'restore America's promise'

New:UK's most deadly gun maker given life
Submachine guns made in Grant Wilkinson's garden shed factory connected to eight murders

Retail slump surpasses 1990s recession
Conditions on the high street are worse than Britain's last slowdown as stores report dismal trading and job cuts

Pendragon profits tumble as new car sale slump
Used car prices fell to a five-year low and new vehicle registrations nosedived as customers deferred large purchases

Diageo fears drinkers' spirits will dampen
The world's largest alcoholic drinks group says world slowdown and rising costs will hit growth next year


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